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19: A Ruin With a Big History

Newenham Abbey banner in the street
Newenham Abbey banner being put in place
Archway door at former Archway Bookshop premises

Today, there are no above ground signs of it but for many years Newenham Abbey was the single most important building in the original parish of Axminster. 


Founded in 1247 by Cistercian monks and to the South West of the current town centre, it was dedicated to God and the Virgin Mary. An abbot and around 12 monks prayed for the soul of the founder, Reginald de Mohun, his ancestors and successors. The Abbey suffered greatly at the time of the Black Death in 1349, losing almost all its community and leaving only the abbot and two monks alive. It was dissolved by Henry VIII in 1539 when he seized the income of monastic institutions, disposed of their assets and used them to fund his military campaigns. 


While Newenham fell into ruin, much of the stone was removed and reused. For example, a stone window became the door at the former Archway Bookshop premises in Church Street (top left).

Designer: Chris Parker-Sales

“The design is based on a tile taken from the Abbey, an image of which was kindly made available to us by Axminster Heritage Centre. I love the simplicity and the feel it has of heritage and great wisdom.”

Location: The Bakehouse, West Street