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27: Passionate About Learning

Banner design for Passionate About Learning
Banner for Passionate About Learning in the street
Axminster Primary Academy building

Passionate About Learning

We set years 5 and 6 pupils at Axminster Community Primary Academy the challenge of designing their own banner, and this beauty is what they came up with. It features the school shield which includes a torch as a beacon of light, the Minster Church and a weaving loom to recognise the role of carpets in Axminster.

Anyone who has been there will tell you that the school is a happy and friendly place where everyone is valued. It has the benefit of an incredibly talented and committed teaching team who are passionate about nurturing each individual’s unique talents.

Outside learning is very important at the school, which have the benefit of large grounds, including free-flow play areas for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2. There’s also forest school for all ages and a large playground and a field for break times and PE. Pupils also benefit from the close proximity of the Flamingo Swimming Pool.

Designers: Years 5 and 6 pupils

“At our school, we love learning. We are passionate about everything we do; we know that our lessons help us grow - from the tiniest acorns (our nursery students) into the large oak trees in the upper year levels. The school vision ('Achievement for All') is the centre of our educational mindsets - every single one of us is able to learn, grow and achieve, even though we all learn differently.”

Location: The Tiffin Box, Trinity Square